Category : “fastest houston mortgage lender”

Houston Mortgage Interest Rate Update

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Question: Can you offer me any feedback to what interest rates are doing right now? Answer: Mortgage interest rates are continuing to rise, but at a slower pace than previously predicted, and occasionally a week or more goes by without an increase in rates. There are even brief periods when rates decline. At this writing, the average […]

The Five Qualitative Approaches to Inquiry –

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A quick look at the similarities and differences between the Five Qualitative Approaches to Inquiry in qualitative research.   I created this as a quick reference guide to understanding the qualitative research approaches.   Narrative Research Phenomenological Research Grounded Theory Research Ethnographic Research Case Study Research Reference:   Creswell, J. W. (2013). Qualitative Inquiry & Research Design: Choosing […]

Magic Marketing Tricks for Realtors!

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Magic Marketing Tricks for Realtors Here is what you will learn: – The 6 Marketing Statistics that Every TOP PRODUCER Uses!   – When AND How to Ask for Referrals, including the script!  AND – How to Increase your Production by 300% in 2015!    BONUS MATERIAL: 1.)How to leave a Voicemail to get the […]

What’s My Name?

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This is pretty cool!   The distinguished surname Kaufman is a proud symbol of a Jewish culture, which is found in many places world-wide. In the Middle Ages, it became necessary to adopt surnames, since people were moving closer together, and it was becoming difficult to distinguish between people with the same names. The surname […]

Steven Kaufman – The Baldest Guy in Houston – Mortgage Compliment of the Day

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Good Morning Steven, Thanks for taking that time yesterday to walk us through your organization strategies.  I don’t usually drink the cool aid at these type of deals but sincerely found the information useful and will start implementing immediately.  Just wanted to say thanks. Sincerely, Brian Gerdes, Realtor®  Keller Williams Realty

Steven Kaufman Reviews | Reviews of Zeus Mortgage President Steven Kaufman

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Thank you to Steven for his incredibly lively and supportive talk regarding branding and marketing  -Marjorie Kass I really appreciated Steven Kaufman’s candor and authenticity.  I just wanted you to know that this chick left Canopy fired up and ready to go and I wanted to thank you for providing a space which allowed that to […]

You will be serving someone today!

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So, I’m not sure if he’s saying  1.)  If you’re not serving the customer then you will be serving your competitor, who is, because you’re not, serving your customer, or 2.) If you’re not serving the customer then you will be serving your superior, who is, because you’re not, serving your customer.   I think […]

Napoleon Hill – How to Raise Your Own Salary

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How to Raise Your  Own Salary – Napoleon Hill The Ten Habits of Personal Power 1.) The habit of definiteness of purpose (The money maker) 2.) Promptness of decision  3.) Soundness of character (intentional honesty) 4.) Strict discipline over one’s emotions 5.) Obsessional desire to render useful service (MY FAVORITE) 6.) Thorough knowledge of one’s […]

How to Name your Child after your Profession!

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How to Name your Child after your Profession!  §  Lawyer’s daughter:—————————-Sue  §  Thief’s son:————————————-Rob  §  Lawyer’s son:———————————-Will  §  Doctor ‘s son:———————————-Bill  §  Meteorologist’s daughter:——————-Haley  §  Steam shovel operator’s son:—————Doug  §  Hair Stylist’s son:—————————–Bob  §  Homeopathic doctor’s son:——————–Herb  §  Justice of the peace’s daughter:—————Mary  §  Sound stage technician’s son:—————–Mike  §  Hot-dog vendor’s son:————————–Frank  §  Gambler’s daughter:—————————–Bette  […]