Category : What makes you a successful real estate investor

Commercial Real Estate Investing in the Time of Coronavirus

Big Steve Kaufman, Commercial Real Estate, Commercial Real Estate Investing, Entrepreneur, Finance Real Estate Investments, houston real estate investing mortgage, Investing, Real estate, Real Estate Investing, real estate investment club in houston, Trusted Real Estate Lender, Uncategorized, What makes you a successful real estate investor

No question about it: These are interesting times. Oil prices recently hit negative value, and a novel coronavirus has kept most of us home for months. The stock market has bounced around like crazy, causing lots of investors to lose their shirts. Who could have predicted it? Well, many economists sort of did. There is […]

“Social Credit Score”…What?!

"baldest guy in houston", Big Steve Kaufman, Entrepreneur, Steve Kaufman, Uncategorized, What makes you a successful real estate investor

Is your behavior naughty or nice? It could mean the difference on whether you succeed or not in the not too distant future. Technology already exists for governments and corporations to keep track.  Sounds like something right out of science fiction, I know.  But I think it’s just a matter of time.  The question is, […]

What Skills Make You a Successful Real Estate Investor

the bald guy in houston, The Baldest Guy In Houston, What makes you a successful real estate investor

Hello Everyone:   This was an interesting question.  Recently, my ten year old daughter asked me what my strongest attributes were in business and it took me by surprise for many obvious reasons.  Here is a short recap of my thoughts on this question and my interaction with my daughter.   My number one go […]